PRI Publications
PRI Publications
As the EU Microbiome Regulatory Science Center, the PRI actively collaborates with experts from among its Member organizations from industry and academia in order to help advance the state-of-the-art for microbiome regulatory science standards and methods. These peer-reviewed regulatory science publications represent a collective effort in order to identify and confirm the technical and scientific requirements needed to develop microbiome-based medicinal products for the EU market.
These publications, among our other collaborative efforts (Task Groups, Representation and Partnerships), are a key outcome of what we refer to as the ‘Share & Learn Approach’ – a pre-competitive process which combines microbiome expertise with strong regulatory science principles.

Microbiome testing in Europe: navigating analytical, ethical and regulatory challenges
Background: In recent years, human microbiome research has flourished and has drawn attention from both healthcare professionals and general consumers as the human microbiome is now recognized as having a significant influence on human health. This has led to the emergence of companies offering microbiome testing services. Some of these services are sold directly to the consumer via companies' websites or via medical laboratory websites.
Methodology: In order to provide an overview of the consumer experience proposed by these microbiome testing services, one single faecal sample was sent to six different companies (five based in Europe and one based in the USA). Two out of the six testing kits were commercialized by medical laboratories, but without any requirement for a medical prescription. The analyses and reports received were discussed with a panel of experts (21 experts from 8 countries) during an online workshop.
Results: This workshop led to the identification of several limitations and challenges related to these kits, including over-promising messages from the companies, a lack of transparency in the methodology used for the analysis and a lack of reliability of the results. The experts considered the interpretations and recommendations provided in the different reports to be premature due to the lack of robust scientific evidence and the analyses associated with the reports to be of limited clinical utility. The experts also discussed the grey areas surrounding the regulatory status of these test kits, including their positioning in the European market. The experts recommended a distinction between regulatory requirements based on the intended use or purpose of the kit: on the one hand, test kits developed to satisfy consumer curiosity, with a clear mention of this objective, and no mention of any disease or risk of disease, and on the other hand, in vitro diagnostic (IVD) CE-marked test kits, which could go deeper into the analysis and interpretation of samples, as such a report would be intended for trained healthcare professionals.
Conclusions: Recommendations or actions, specific to the context of use of microbiome testing kits, are listed to improve the quality and the robustness of these test kits to meet expectations of end users (consumers, patients and healthcare professionals). The need for standardization, robust scientific evidence, qualification of microbiome-based biomarkers and a clear regulatory status in Europe are the main issues that will require attention in the near future to align laboratory development with societal needs and thus foster translation into daily health practice.
State of the art and the future of microbiome-based biomarkers: a multidisciplinary Delphi consensus
Julie Rodriguez, PhD, Zahra Hassani, PhD, Carolina Alves Costa Silva, PhD,∙Fay Betsou, PhD, Federica Carraturo, PhD,∙Prof Alessio Fasano, MD,∙Mads Israelsen, PhD Anandhi Iyappan, PhD, Aleksander Krag, PhD, Amira Metwaly, PhD, Robert Schierwagen, PhD, Prof Jonel Trebicka, PhD,∙Prof Hub Zwart, PhD, Joel Doré, PhD, Magali Cordaillat-Simmons, PhD,∙ on behalf of the Human Microbiome Action consortium.
The Lancet Microbe 2024 | Published Online j.lanmic.2024.07.011
Gut Microbiome Integration in Drug Discovery and Development of Small Molecules
Human microbiomes, particularly in the gut, could have a major impact on the efficacy and toxicity of drugs. However, gut microbial metabolism is often neglected in the drug discovery and development process. Medicen, a Paris-based human health innovation cluster, has gathered more than 30 international leading experts from pharma, academia, biotech, clinical research organizations, and regulatory science to develop proposals to facilitate the integration of microbiome science into drug discovery and development. Seven subteams were formed to cover the complementary expertise areas of 1) pharma experience and case studies, 2) in silico microbiome–drug interaction, 3) in vitro microbial stability screening, 4) gut fermentation models, 5) animal models, 6) microbiome integration in clinical and regulatory aspects, and 7) microbiome ecosystems and models. Each expert team produced a state-of-the-art report of their respective field highlighting existing microbiome-related tools at every stage of drug discovery and development. The most critical limitations are the growing, but still limited, drug–microbiome interaction data to produce predictive models and the lack of agreed-upon standards despite recent progress. In this paper we will report on and share proposals covering 1) how microbiome tools can support moving a compound from drug discovery to clinical proof-of-concept studies and alert early on potential undesired properties stemming from microbiome-induced drug metabolism and 2) how microbiome data can be generated and integrated in pharmacokinetic models that are predictive of the human situation. Examples of drugs metabolized by the microbiome will be discussed in detail to support recommendations from the working group.
Postbiotics in the medical field under the perspective of the ISAPP definition: scientific, regulatory, and marketing considerations
Gabriel Vinderola, Céline Druart, Luis Gosálbez, Seppo Salminen, Nina Vinot and Sarah Lebeer (2023).
Front. Pharmacol. 14:1239745. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2023.1239745 |
Diverse terms have been used in the literature to refer to the health benefits obtained from the administration of non-viable microorganisms or their cell fragments and metabolites. In an effort to provide continuity to this emerging field, the International Scientific Association of Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) convened a panel of experts to consider this category of substances and adopted the term postbiotic, which they defined as a “preparation of inanimate microorganisms and/or their components that confers a health benefit on the host.” This definition does not stipulate any specific health benefit, finished product, target population or regulatory status. In this perspective article, we focused on postbiotics developed for pharmaceutical uses, including medicinal products and medical devices. We address how this field is regulated for products based on inanimate microorganisms, marketing considerations and existing examples of postbiotics products developed as cosmetics for the skin, for vaginal health, and as orally consumed products. We focus on the European Union for regulatory aspects, but also give examples from other geographical areas.
Entering First-in-Human Clinical Study With a Single-Strain Live Biotherapeutic Product: Input and Feedback Gained From the EMA and the FDA
Paquet J-C, Claus SP, Cordaillat-Simmons M, Mazier W, Rawadi G, Rinaldi L, Elustondo F and Rouanet A (2021).
Front. Med. 8:716266. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2021.716266 |
During the last decade, a plethora of novel therapies containing live microorganisms as active substance(s) has emerged with the aim to treat, prevent, or cure diseases in human beings. Both the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and Health Care (EDQM) codified these biotherapies as Live Biotherapeutic Products (LBPs). While these innovative products offer healthcare opportunities, they also represent a challenge for developers who need to set the most suitable designs for non-clinical and clinical studies in order to demonstrate a positive benefit/risk ratio through relevant quality, safety, and efficacy data that are expected by the drug competent authorities. This article describes how YSOPIA Bioscience, supported by the Pharmabiotic Research Institute (PRI), addressed the regulatory challenges during the early development phase of their single-strain LBP, Xla1, in order to obtain the necessary authorizations to bring this drug to the clinical stage.
Live biotherapeutic products: the importance of a defined regulatory framework
Cordaillat-Simmons, M., Rouanet, A. & Pot, B.
Exp Mol Med 52, 1397–1406 (2020). |
Probiotics have been defined as “Live microorganisms that when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host”. This definition covers a wide range of applications, target populations and (combinations of) microorganisms. Improved knowledge on the importance of the microbiota in terms of health and disease has further diversified the potential scope of a probiotic intervention, whether intended to reach the market as a food, a food supplement or a drug, depending on the intended use. However, the increased interest in the clinical application of probiotics may require specific attention given their administration in a diseased population. In addition to safety, the impact of the type of product, in terms of quality, production method and, e.g., the acceptance of side effects, is now part of the current regulatory constraints for developers. In the European Union, foods are regulated by the European Food Safety Authority and drugs by the European Medicines Agency; in the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) deals with both categories. More recently, the FDA has defined a new “live biotherapeutic products” (LBP) category, clarifying pharmaceutical expectations. Since 2019, the quality requirements for this category of drug products have also been clarified by the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.). Similar to all products intended to prevent or treat diseases, LBPs will have to be registered as medicinal products to reach the market in the US and in Europe. In this area, regulatory authorities and the pharmaceutical industry will routinely use guidelines of the “International Council for Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use” (ICH). Although ICH guidelines are not legally binding, they provide very important recommendations, recognized by almost all drug authorities in the world. In this review, we discuss some aspects of this regulatory framework, especially focusing on products with an intended use in a diseased or vulnerable target population.
Live Biotherapeutic Products, A Road Map for Safety Assessment
Rouanet A, Bolca S, Bru A, Claes I, Cvejic H, Girgis H, Harper A, Lavergne SN, Mathys S, Pane M, Pot B, Shortt C, Alkema W, Bezulowsky C, Blanquet-Diot S, Chassard C, Claus SP, Hadida B, Hemmingsen C, Jeune C, Lindman B, Midzi G, Mogna L, Movitz C, Nasir N, Oberreither M, Seegers JFML, Sterkman L, Valo A, Vieville F and Cordaillat-Simmons M (2020).
Front. Med. 7:237. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2020.00237 |