PRI Member Job Openings
The Members of the Pharmabiotic Research Institute represent nearly every step of the microbiome-based medicinal product development process, from early stage and applied research, pre-clinical development methods, clinical trials design and implementation, all the way to industrial manufacturing and commercialization.
All PRI Members are welcome to share their current job opportunities in this section. Contact the PRI to find out how.

PRI – Membership and communication manager
PRI is recruiting a Membership and Communication Manager who will be responsible for the development and execution
of strategies to attract, engage, and retain members. He/she oversees all communication
initiatives to enhance the organization's visibility and member engagement, manage
communication efforts to ensure that the organization's messages are effectively conveyed to its
members and the broader community.
UGhent – Lead Scientist position
Ghent University (UGhent) is recruiting a Llead scientist to develop a live biotherapeutic product for chronic lung disease. Designing and conducting in vitro experiments to evaluate efficacy and safety of potential therapeutic candidates, including using physiologically relevant 3-D lung cell cultures. This also includes experiments for the formulation and delivery of the therapeutic candidates. Supervising and mentoring junior researchers and a technician on this project, and assisting in the development of the research team.
NBX – Project Manager
NBX Biosciences recrute un chef de projet ayant pour mission de concevoir, planifier et diriger des projets de recherche innovants sur les maladies neurodégénératives et les troubles cérébraux liés à l’inflammation sur modèles précliniques murins. Effectuer des analyses, interpréter les résultats et rédiger des rapports scientifiques pour le suivi du projet. Collaborer étroitement avec l’équipe interne et les partenaires externes pour assurer l’avancement et la pertinence des travaux.