The Delphi Survey on finding a consensus around the development and validation of microbiome-based biomarkers has launched its second round (of two).

This second and final round will remain open until the end of the day on June 6th. The second round of the Delphi questionnaire will only be accessible to those who completed the first round.

We were able to successfully complete the first round (of two) of this survey – a total of 113 respondents completed the first round. The members of WP6 (Biomarkers) would like to warmly thank all of those who took the time to respond to the first round survey, as well as those of you who spent the extra time to complete and submit the survey.


The aim of the European IHMCSA Human Microbiome Action WP6 Delphi survey is to assess the knowledge and perception of multiple stakeholders on two key points:

  1. The definition and qualification procedure of microbiome-based biomarkers
  2. The factors limiting the translation from discovery into qualification and clinical implementation of these microbiome-based biomarkers

This Delphi survey is part of the Human Microbiome Action Project.

If you completed the first round survey, you should have already received information about the second and last round – make sure to reply before the end of the day on June 6th!

About the European IHMCSA Human Microbiome Action –

Human Microbiome Action is an EU-funded Horizon 2020 project (grant agreement N° 964590) aiming to maximize the impact of European microbiome research and innovation to tackle the epidemics of chronic diseases.

At the core of the project’s mission is the ambition to create coherence and harmony in the ways microbiome research is and will be performed. By aligning, structuring and providing direction to EU microbiome research, the project will contribute to reach a health care system that takes into consideration the human microbiome.

The project will last for 3 years (2021-2024) and is coordinated by France’s National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE).

Joseph Simmons

Operations Manager